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Vel dui magna amet odio consequat lobortis ac a eget diam est hac ipsum, lectus eget semper sagittis, dignissim dignissim


We cover the current & future way of working (process flows). We include the list of screens, queries, reports, use cases and interfaces to 3rd party systems, user roles and rights descriptions and migration and integration strategies.

The resulting Business Design document is not a scientific, lengthy document but much rather a practical blueprint, plan of what will be delivered.

How do we make a difference?

We focus on the business: how the business will actually work with the system in the future.


The Technical Design covers software services, screens’ design, data models, queries, reports and interfaces to 3rd party systems.

Again, the Technical Design Document is not scientific document but a practical, very precise plan of the software to be created.

How do we make a difference?

We focus not only on the technology but the user: how the user will actually use the system in a way that it is always clear and really usable.

Project Management

We plan and track progress according to the pre-agreed methodology: be it Agile, SCRUM or Waterfall or any other technology you use.

How do we make a difference?

We are highly focused on delivering the project on time, within the given budget and with the expected scope. And: we document everything to support to project – no, we do not collect documentation to “prove our right” as the only thing that matters is the end result.



Making system changes for the technology’s sake is expensive, risky.

You can trust us to make any change in accordance with your real business needs. It is simple but important enough.


…is to really drill down to the most basic business needs and to the core of any problem. Then make design for the business solution with this understanding.

Get in touch

Et tincidunt sit nec, tempus facilisi pretium ullamcorper egestas.

Est id id tempus scelerisque odio at. Id vulputate leo dui quis. Quis aliquam curabitur risus in id magnis.

Malesuada mi elit eget tellus augue.

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